The Dead Theologians Society is an apostolate of the Holy Catholic Church for high school aged teens (14-18) and/or college aged young adults (18-24). Individual chapters of the Dead Theologians Society (DTS Chapters) should be either high school age or college age and not a mix of the two.
Centered in Christ, the Dead Theologians Society, through the Saints of yesterday, inspire the youth of today, to become the saints of tomorrow. Its purpose is to Catechize and form teens and young adults in the Holy Catholic Faith by studying the lives of the Saints and asking for their intercession.
A special mission of The Dead Theologians Society is to ask the intercession of, and pray for the release of the Souls in Purgatory. All teaching is in fidelity with the Holy Father and the teaching Magisterium of the Holy Catholic Church.
Parish based chapters of DTS must operate with full knowledge and consent of the Pastor of the Parish in which it operates. It is preferred that DTS chapters are parish based, however, chapters can be school based provided requirements for Leadership and Chaplaincy are met.
All DTS chapters must have a validly ordained Catholic Priest or Catholic Deacon in good standing who assumes responsibility as a Chaplain for the safety of those in attendance and the content of the DTS meetings. In addition every chapter must have an adult President and Vice President to act as leadership and facilitators. It is desired that parish Youth Ministry Staff, i.e. Youth Minister and Associate Youth Minister fill these positions. Although desirable and beneficial, it is not required for the Priest or Deacon to be present at all meetings.
All DTS chapters must adhere to the Diocesan policies regarding the safety of youth in the diocese in which they operate. The leadership of the individual chapter must be familiar with these policies. In areas where no such policies exist, the meeting space must be approved by the local Fire Department. In addition, at least two adults must be present at all DTS meetings.
Chapters must never ban nor make parents of the youth membership feel unwelcome at DTS meetings. Should parents of participating teens wish to attend, they should be sensitive to the needs of the teens. It is highly advisable to have suitable seating for parents of teens, but preferential seating should be given to the youth participants. Keeping in mind that DTS is an apostolate for teens and young adults, parents/adults should refrain from active participation during DTS meetings, allowing the designated adult leadership to facilitate. Parents should reserve questions and comments for an appropriate time prior to or after the conclusion of the meeting.
All chapters must follow the prescribed format and ritual of the Dead Theologians Society. Any alteration of format and/or ritual must be submitted in writing and approved in writing by the National Headquarters of the Dead Theologians Society. Members of DTS are encouraged to share information about the society and to share the truths of the faith they’ve been taught.
It is important to stress that the Dead Theologians Society is neither a secret society nor a society of secrets. Members of DTS are encouraged to share information about the society and to share the truths of the faith they’ve been taught.
The distinctive garb of the Dead Theologians Society is the black hooded sweatshirt or t-shirt with the embroidered logo of the Dead Theologians Society on the upper left chest. Any alteration of garb is prohibited without written permission from the National Headquarters. This garb should only be given to members of the Dead Theologians Society upon completion of requirements for membership. Membership is limited to high school age teens, college age young adults and the designated adult leadership of each chapter. Clergy and Religious can be admitted after completing one meeting. Additional membership can be at the discretion of the Dead Theologians Society Board of Directors.
It is important to note that the teachings, mission and format are to be emphasized above that of the meeting space. Meeting spaces should be conducive and appropriate for the DTS format. There is no mandated meeting space or room décor. A variety of meeting spaces are currently in effective use. It is however, stressed that sacramentals, icons, statuary and devotional objects are to be used in the meeting space. Effective use of sensory aspects like lighting, incense, and meditative music (chant) are encouraged.
Any chapter that fails to comply with these policies may have its charter revoked and forfeit all rights to use the name of the Dead Theologians Society. Questions or issues not covered by these policies should be brought to the attention of the National Headquarters of the Dead Theologians Society.
These policies may be amended and revised at the discretion of the National Headquarters of the Dead Theologians Society and upon approval of the Board of Directors of the Dead Theologians Society in accordance with any governing Ecclesiastical mandates.