DTS can be used as a stand-alone youth ministry program or as a compliment to an already established youth ministry program

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Inspiring the Youth of Today to Become the Saints of Tomorrow

"My love for God has grown by leaps and

I was brought to DTS by a friend. I’m a confirmed Catholic, but had been attending a Protestant church at the time and, through DTS and my experiences over the past few months, I have been brought back to the grace and strength of the Church. My love for God has grown by leaps and bounds. I now feel ready to leave home, go to college, and face life with discipline and faith in God to carry me through.

– Mary L., Member

What Our Young People are Saying

DTS looks at the bigger things in life – beyond the natural to the super natural. We learn that the Saints, intercessory prayer, the Eucharist, Heaven, Hell and Purgatory are real and are presented in a way anyone can understand. DTS is a sneak peek at the world beyond this world!

Lisa S.


I enjoy it! I enjoy the people! I enjoy learning what we learn!

Andrea T.


Dead Theologians Society is a great way to educate teenagers about the Saints and how they lived like Christ. In turn, the teens can use this information to aid them in their quest to be Christ-like.

Kyle S.

New Jersey

Its been fun to watch it grow. It’s a great place to hang out, and you can ask those hard questions. It’s a lot of fun and a great way to learn about our faith!

Shannon B.

New York

Our Impact
On Your

Parishes regularly report to us the blessed results DTS has born in the lives of their parish teens and young adults such as:

Mass Attendance

Increased Mass attendance among teen and college age population


Vocations to religious life and/or a life of service


Increased pre-Confirmation enthusiasm and post-Confirmation attendance at Mass and youth/parish activities


Increased interest in young people participating in parish life, service, and other ministries


Increased reception of the Sacraments, especially Communion and Confession

Faith Formation

Increased faith formation and a deeper prayer life

A Far-Reaching Network of
Catholic Youth Ministry

Since our beginning in 1997

Youth Impacted

A member of the