Wisdom & Inspiration from the Saints in a Sentence

A brand-newdaily devotional for every day of the year. Each date features a memorable and quotable sentence uttered by the saints. 395 pages, all full-color, featuring classic artwork from numerous centuries.
Quoted saints include: St. John Bosco, St. Jose Maria Escriva, St. Bernadette, St. John Vianney, St. Philip Neri, St. Monica, St. Joan of Arc, St. Elizabeth, St. Thomas More, and so many more!
This beautiful book serves as an ideal gift for any occasion, and may also be ordered in bulk.
How this book came about:
Over 25 years ago, I read a quote from St. John Vianney, the Cure of Ars. He said, “Anger never travels alone. It is always accompanied by plenty of other sins.” This short but profound quote was a life-changer for me. The wisdom contained is this quote actually stuck and has remained with me for a lifetime.
During the years I’d thought how helpful it would be to research and compile quotes like these from our great saints to help catechize and evangelize a multitude of people, both Catholic and non-Catholic alike.
Consideration was also given to the realization that most people will simply not obtain and read volumes on the lives of the saints, coupled with the fact that we’re in a culture where many don’t read past a headline. Thus, the concept of imparting the wisdom of the saints in a sentence seemed like a really good fit during these times.
So, when I took ill during the pandemic of 2020, it proved to be the catalyst to take this idea and with God’s grace, turn it into a reality. After nearly a year of working away at this little project, I’m absolutely delighted with the outcome and am eager to share it with you.
Much gratitude to my friend in Ireland, the great graphic artist, Ronan Lynch, for his excellent work on the artwork, graphics and layout.
My good friend of 20 years, Fr. Rick Heilman put me in contact with Zip Rzeppa of Mater Media for the possibility of publishing this book. From the outset, Zip and the folks at Mater Media got behind the project 100% and they’ve been wonderful to work with. We’re delighted and grateful to have this book immediately available and distributed by Roman Catholic Gear and Mater Media.
Dead Theologians Society is all about leading young people to Jesus through the examples of the great saints. This book, WISDOM & INSPIRATION from the SAINTS in a Sentence, is a way for the DTS apostolate to continue our mission, while reaching an even greater number of people.
Pingback: BOOK REVIEW: When a sentence is more than enough – Dr. Kelly's Training Sandbox
Watched Eddie with Fr. Heilman and Doug on US Grace Force. Great podcast led me to the book. Just ordered it and am excited to read and share it. It would be great if we had a DTS chapter in Southern Oregon (Medford/Sacred Heart).
Hi Patricia!
Thank you so very much for ordering the book and for your kind comments.
There’s a lot of saintly wisdom packed in this book and I hope you will indeed find it enjoyable and inspiring.
God bless you and yours